Common Greetings & Set Phrase 1

Wherever you are, it wouldn’t hurt at all to know some of the most basic common greetings used in the area. And the best things about this is that you don’t even need to be able to read/write to learn about them!

You can just memorise the set-phrase, use it in a proper situation and amaze all the Japanese you’ll meet ! Wohoo! And we will teach you the magic word in Japanese. Using this word, you should be able to get almost anything you need in Japan!

Let’s start with the most basic, daily greetings!

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Easy Katakana Mastery Guide: Part 2

Welcome to part 2! よこそ!

As a quick info, you will not remember a new shape in this part 2 too since all the shape has been covered in Part 1 ! やった!! .

As previously in hiragana part-2 we will learn additional sound that can be made by adding a tiny circle or quotes or made by combining some of the shape in Katakana. Actually, the formula is the same… So if you already know the Hiragana’s version, just change the Hiragana to Katakana and you’re done~ Continue reading

Hiragana Reading Practice

Either if you have memorised the shape of Hiragana manually or by using mnemonics provided by our guide, you will still need to practice a lot of reading to lock them up to your long term memory. But yes, it’s not easy to gather material to practice Hiragana.

There’s a good source to find a lot of hiragana text, which is Japanese children books. But of course, most of us cannot get access to it. Fortunately there’s a wonderful site that compile a lot of old children books text which you can use for practice.

This page takes a few part of Princess Kaguya story and layouted so you can focus practicing Hiragana reading. Continue reading

Easy Hiragana Mastery Guide: Part 1

 Quick links: 

Chart|Vowels|K-row|S-row|T-row|N-row|H-row|M-row| Last-row|Quick Summary|Easily differentiate similar shape

There are 3 type of Japanese writing you will encounter and Hiragana is the first type of Japanese alphabet you would want to master. More about Japanese writing can be read in [this post].

Hiragana is the Japanese ABC, and it’s quite different with English since the shape symbolize a set of word/sound such as KA , SO, TSU and SHI. Below you can see the Hiragana chart, all the shape we’re going to master~ Continue reading

Gotta Read ’em All!


In your journey to learn Japanese, you shall encounter 3 type of writings which you need to master to smoothly read your ways through Japanese text.

Note that this guide purpose is more toward people who want to read things and not just talk/hear things. If you’re not interested in reading stuff and you’re sure that you don’t need to be able to read Japanese, you can safely skip it~
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